Class StalemateTester


public class StalemateTester extends Object
Tools for testing a rule set for a possibility of a stalemate. A stalemate is achieved when no piece cannot be removed from the board any more. This class may be useful for a rule set designer, to ensure that any rule sets offered to players will never stalemate. This tool was designed for GS4, and is not meant to work with the GS5 rule syntax.
  • Constructor Details

    • StalemateTester

      public StalemateTester(RuleSet rules0)
  • Method Details

    • canStalemate

      public Board canStalemate(Piece.Shape[] shapes, Piece.Color[] colors, String[] allImages)
      Is there any board composed of any pieces of the specified colors and shapes on which this rule set will stalemate? As always, we assume that all atoms in the rules are "non-disappearing", i.e. each bucket expression always produces a non-empty result.
    • canStalemate

      public boolean canStalemate( pieceGroups)
      Will this game stalemate if started with a specified board?
      pieceGroups - The m-board whose content we'll try to remove. The method modififes the content of the board, removing all pieces it can. If the game does not stalemate, this board will be empty upon return from this method; if a stalemate is encountered, the board will contain pieces that can't be removed.
    • main

      public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException, RuleParseException