Class PregameService


@Path("/PregameService") public class PregameService extends Object
Retrieving various pages needed by the client to customize the player's pregame and postgame experience. Discussed with Kevin, Paul and Gary (2022-11-10).

For documentation, see game-api-pregame.html

Maintaining compatibility with several instruction booklets that used to be hard-coded in the client, and controlled by the config parameter "init":

        ...(init === 3
          ? INSTRUCTIONS_R =  [R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8] = instructions_relational
          : init === 11
          ? INSTRUCTIONS_11 = [I11_1 ... ] = doubling_scheme
          : init === 2
          ? INSTRUCTIONS_2  = [I2_1 ... ] = stalemate_instructions

          : INSTRUCTIONS_1 =  [I1_1 ...] = instructions_NOBINS
  • Constructor Details

    • PregameService

      public PregameService()
  • Method Details

    • display

      @GET @Path("/getPage") @Produces("application/json") public PregameService.Page display(@QueryParam("playerId") String playerId, @QueryParam("name") String name)
    • display

      @GET @Path("/getBookletSize") @Produces("application/json") public PregameService.BookletSize display(@QueryParam("playerId") String playerId)