Class MwByHuman

public class MwByHuman extends AnalyzeTranscripts
Ranking rule sets by the ease of learning by human players. As requested by PK, 2022-12-22.
  • Field Details

    • infomsg

      public String infomsg
      The JSP page should always print this message. Most often it is just an empty string, anyway; but it may be used for debugging and status messages.
    • savedMws

      public Vector<MwByHuman.MwSeries> savedMws
      Info about each episode gets added here
  • Constructor Details

    • MwByHuman

      public MwByHuman(MwByHuman.PrecMode _precMode, int _targetStreak, double _targetR, double _defaultMStar, Fmter _fm)
      _targetStreak - this is how many consecutive error-free moves the player must make (e.g. 10) in order to demonstrate successful learning. If 0 or negative, this criterion is turned off
      _targetR - the product of R values of a series of consecutive moves should be at least this high) in order to demonstrate successful learning. If 0 or negative, this criterion is turned off
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception
    • getReport

      public String getReport()
    • getError

      public boolean getError()
    • setError

      public void setError(boolean _error)
    • getErrmsg

      public String getErrmsg()
    • setErrmsg

      public void setErrmsg(String _errmsg)
    • giveError

      protected void giveError(String msg)
      Sets the error flag and the error message
    • giveError

      protected void giveError(Exception _ex)
    • getEx

      public Exception getEx()
    • exceptionTrace

      public String exceptionTrace()
    • setFm

      public void setFm(Fmter _fm)
    • processStage1

      public void processStage1(Vector<String> plans, Vector<String> pids, Vector<String> nicknames, Vector<Long> uids) throws Exception
      The Stage 1 processing involves scanning the transcripts for the players associated with the relevant experiment plan, and computing the required statistics for all (player,ruleSet) pairs involved.
    • exportSavedMws

      public void exportSavedMws(File gsum) throws IOException
      Exports the data generated in Stage1
      gsum - File to write
    • processStage2

      public void processStage2(boolean fromFile, boolean useMDagger, File csvOutDir)
      Now, the MW Test, using this.savedMws computed in stage1. Generates a report that's attached to this.results.
      fromFile - Indicates that the m* data have come from an extrernal file, and are not internally computed.
      precMode - Controls how the series are assigned to "distinct experiences".
    • saveAnyData

      protected void saveAnyData(Vector<TranscriptManager.ReadTranscriptData.Entry[]> section, Vector<> includedEpisodes) throws IOException, IllegalInputException, RuleParseException
      Saves the data (the summary of a series) for a single (player, ruleSet) pair. In some cases, a series can be skipped (not saved). This is the case if only the data for a specific target is requested (target!=null), or if we only want the data for "Naive" players.

      This method is called from AnalyzeTranscripts.analyzePlayerRecord(), overriding the eponymous method in that class.

      saveAnyData in class AnalyzeTranscripts
      section - A vector of arrays, each array representing the recorded moves for one episode. In its entirety, section describes all episodes in the series.
      includedEpisodes - All non-empty episodes played by this player in this rule set. This array must be aligned with section[]