Class ParseConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map<String,Object>

public final class ParseConfig extends Hashtable<String,Object>
This class is used to obtain configuration parameters, from a configuration file or from Java System Properties. If this is an applet, SecurityException is caught safely.
Qin Shi, Vladimir Menkov //@date 1999-2018
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ParseConfig

      public ParseConfig()
      Creates an empty hashtable. That can be used simply as a convenient interface for accessing Java system options.
    • ParseConfig

      public ParseConfig(String aFname) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
      Creates a hashtable that contains the parsed contents of the specified configuration file.
      aFname - Configuration file name.
    • ParseConfig

      public ParseConfig(Reader in) throws IOException
      Creates a hashtable that contains the parsed data obtained from an open reader (which may, for example, be associated with an open file), and then closes the reader.

      The configuration file syntax:

      • Lines (or "tails" of lines) beginning with a '#' are comments, and are ignored
      • Blank lines are ignored
      • A line of the form
                name  value
                name = value
        assigns a value to the named variable. The equal sign is optional. There can be a semicolon at the end of the line, but it's optional. The value may be a number (with no quotes), or a string surrounded by double quotes. If the string consists only of alphanumeric characters, with possible '/' and ':' chars, then quotes are optional too.

      A ParseConfig structure is created by reading a specified configuration file. The values of parameters stored in the table can be accessed by using accessor methods, such as getOption or getOptionDouble.

      This method throws various exceptions, so that the caller method could produce a meaningful error report.

      in - A Reader (a file reader, etc.)
  • Method Details

    • getOption

      public String getOption(String aName, String aDefault)
      Gets the requested value from the hash table or from the Java system property aName. The Java system property, if given, overrides the value from the hash table.
    • getOptionDouble

      public double getOptionDouble(String aName, double aDefault)
      Gets the requested double value from the hash table or from the Java system property aName.
    • getOption

      public int getOption(String aName, int aDefault)
      Gets the requested integer value from the hash table or from the Java system property aName.
    • getOptionLong

      public long getOptionLong(String aName, long aDefault)
    • getOption

      public boolean getOption(String aName, boolean aDefault)
      Gets the requested integer value from the hash table or from the Java system property aName.
    • getOptionDate

      public Date getOptionDate(String aName, String aDefault) throws ParseException
      Gets a date parameter, in the format YYYY-MM-DD
      aDefault - Default date, in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
    • getOptionEnum

      public <T extends Enum<T>> T getOptionEnum(Class<T> retType, String aName, T defVal)
      Returns the value of the specified parameter if it can be interpreted as a value of the specified enumerated type. If no parameter with the specified value has been supplied, or if its value cannot be interpreted as a value of the desired type, the supplied default value is returned
      defVal - The default value to be returned. May be null.
    • getOptionEnumArray

      public <T extends Enum<T>> T[] getOptionEnumArray(Class<T> retType, String aName, T[] defVal)
      Reads a comma-separated array of enums. E.g. -Dcolors=RED,GREEN,BLUE
    • containsKey

      public boolean containsKey(String aName)
    • getParameter

      public String getParameter(String aName) throws IOException
      Gets the requested value from the hash table. If the value is not found, IOException is thrown.
    • getLong

      public long getLong(String name, long defVal)
    • getInt

      public int getInt(String name, int defVal)
    • getDouble

      public double getDouble(String name, double defVal)
    • getString

      public String getString(String name, String defVal)
    • getBoolean

      public boolean getBoolean(String name, boolean defVal)
    • getEnum

      public <T extends Enum<T>> T getEnum(Class<T> retType, String name, T defVal)
    • enrichFromArgv

      public String[] enrichFromArgv(String[] argv)
      Scans the argv array, identifying all elements of the form X=Y. For each such element, adds the (key,value) pair (X,Y) to this ParseConfig table.
      An array that contains all other elements from argv (those not of the form X=Y).
    • main

      public static void main(String[] argv) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
      Purely for testing.