Class LaunchRules

public class LaunchRules extends LaunchRulesBase
The Launch page that allows one to play all rule sets from a specific subdirectory of the rules directory, such as rules/APP, rules/BRM, or rules/CGS. As requested by Paul on 2021-10-12 and 2021-10-13, with an additional expansion (CGS) in the fall of 2022.
  The M need not provide bonuses, and can use the standard 4 colors and shapes. I'd suggest either 5 to 8 pieces (a random number). People should be able to give up even at the first screen, if that is supported.
  • Constructor Details

    • LaunchRules

      public LaunchRules(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, LaunchRulesBase.Mode mode)
      Generates the table for the APP or CGS launch page.
      request - May contain rule=XXXX, to just use this one set (under the mode's rule directory)
      mode - Which page to generate? We have several launch page for different audiences.