Class Comparandum

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Comparandum extends Object implements Comparable<Comparandum>
Represents a thing to be compared using the Mann-Whitney-test: either an algo (which is to be compared with other algos based on its performance on some rule set), or a rule set (which is being compare to other rule set based on how a particular algo, or the set of humans, perform on it).
  • Method Details

    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Comparandum o)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<Comparandum>
    • mkHumanComparanda

      public static Comparandum[][] mkHumanComparanda(MwByHuman.MwSeries[] res, MwByHuman.PrecMode precMode, boolean useMDagger)
      Creates a list of comparanda for a number of rule sets. The Comparandum for a rule set (or, more generally, "an experience") is based on the on human performance data for this rule set.
      res - A table of "series" entries, each of which describes the summary of a series, i.e. the performance of a human player on a rule set.
      precMode - This controls how "experiences" are grouped into "same" or "different" ones (depending on the preceding rule sets)
      {learnedOnes[], nonLearnedOnes[]}