Interface Expression.ArithmeticExpression

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Expression.AdditiveExpression, Expression.BracketList, Expression.ComparisonExpression, Expression.Id, Expression.MultiplicativeExpression, Expression.NegationExpression, Expression.Num, Expression.QualifiedId, Expression.SerialExpression
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Expression.ArithmeticExpression extends Expression
An arithmetic expression is composed of variables, constants, and arithmetic operations; parentheses can be used for ordering operations. The value of the expression can be computed for any given set of variable values (unless a division by zero etc happens).
  • Method Details

    • evalSet

      Evaluates this expression for the given values of the variables involved. Can be used when the arguments can have multiple values.
      h - The hash map that contains for each variable the possible set of its values.
      the set of the possible values of the expression, or an empty set if the expression uses a variable whose value is not in h
    • evalSet2

    • listAllVars

      HashSet<String> listAllVars()