Class Reflect


public class Reflect extends Object
A bunch of methods to figure what fields a class has, and how to print them out in a more or less sensible way.
  • Field Details

    • sqlDf

      public static final DateFormat sqlDf
    • entries

      public Reflect.Entry[] entries
    • extraFieldsMethod

      public Method extraFieldsMethod
      If this method exists in the class, it can be executed to get a Mapinvalid input: '<'String,Object> for extra fields to be put into the JSON structure. We use this to transmit arbitrary object properties in the Captive Game Server.
    • extraFieldsMethodName

      public static final String extraFieldsMethodName
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • makeGetMethodName

      public static String makeGetMethodName(String name)
    • makeGetMethodName2

      public static String makeGetMethodName2(String name)
    • makeSetMethodName

      public static String makeSetMethodName(String name)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getEntry

      public Reflect.Entry getEntry(String name)
    • getOwningEntry

      public Reflect.Entry getOwningEntry(Enum e) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Finds the entry that describes the field whose type is the the enumerated class for which e is one of the values. This method only makes sense to use if the class has only field with that enum type; otherwise, an error will be thrown
      A matching Entry object, or null
    • getReflect

      public static Reflect getReflect(Class c)
      Looks up or creates a Reflect instance for a specified class.
      c - Class to analyze. We reduce it to an existing basic class, if possible (in case it is of an automatically derived type, such as$Respondent$pcsubclass )
    • reflectToString

      public static String reflectToString(Object o)
      Prints all appropriate fields of the specified object in the default (toString) format
    • compactFormat

      public static String compactFormat(Object val)
      Compact human readable format, with no extra quotes, for various HTML tables
    • reflectToString

      public static String reflectToString(Object o, boolean skipNulls)
    • customizedReflect

      public static String customizedReflect(Object o, f)
      More pretty version of reflectToString(Object o)
    • csvRow

      public static String csvRow(Object o)
    • csvRow

      public static String csvRow(Object o, String end)
      Saves the object as a row of comma-separated file
      end - The text to append to the end (CR, or "")
    • htmlRow

      public static String htmlRow(Object o, boolean TR)
    • htmlRow

      public static String htmlRow(Object o, boolean TR, boolean dolinks)
      Returns a complete TR element, or just a bunch of TD cells.
      TR - Include the TR element
      dolinks - Include hyperlinks to other pages on fields that have the "link" value set in their "Display" attribute. This is useful in research pages, but (usually) not in user-facing pages.
    • htmlHeaderRow

      public static String htmlHeaderRow(Class c, boolean TR)
    • asStringVector

      public static Vector<String> asStringVector(Object o, String quote)
    • asStringVector

      public static Vector<String> asStringVector(Object o, String quote, boolean dolinks)
      quote - The string to use for quotes (may be an empty string, if no quotes are needed)
      dolinks - If true, attention is paid to the link() attribute, converting some fields into hyperlinks
    • formatAsString

      public static String formatAsString(Object val, String quote)
      Formats a single field of an object. Note the somewhat peculiar treatment of boolean values in OpenJPA. If the object has been retreived with a query obtained with createQuery() (i.e., a JPQL query), then a boolean value will be retrieved as Boolean object. But if createNativeQuery() (over MySQL, at any rate) has been used - i.e., we have a SQL query - then boolean values will appear as strings, one character long, containing char(0) or char(1)! This is because in MySQL booleans are "synonyms for TINYINT(1)".

      Arrays and other collections are printed elementwise if it can be done consicely enough; otherwise, just element count

    • csvHeader

      public static String csvHeader(Class c)
      Saves the class description as the header line of a comma-separated file
    • getNames

      public static String[] getNames(Class c)
      Returns the array of field names
    • saveAsInsert

      public static String saveAsInsert(Object o)
      Saves the object as a MySQL "INSERT" statement