Class Episode.Display

Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public class Episode.Display extends Object
Can be sent to the web client in JSON format, where it would be used to display the current state of the episode
  • Constructor Details

    • Display

      public Display(int _code, Episode.Pick _pick, String _errmsg)
    • Display

      public Display(int _code, String _errmsg)
  • Method Details

    • getBoard

      public Board getBoard()
      What pieces are on the board now, and what pieces have been removed
    • setBoard

      public void setBoard(Board _b)
    • getFinishCode

      public int getFinishCode()
      Is this episode still continues (code 0), has stalemated (2), or has the board been cleared (4)?
    • getError

      public boolean getError()
    • setError

      public void setError(boolean _error)
    • getCode

      public int getCode()
      On a /move call: Has this move been accepted or rejected? (When returned by /display response, the value is -8).
    • setCode

      public void setCode(int _code)
    • getErrmsg

      public String getErrmsg()
      The error or debug messsage, if any
    • setErrmsg

      public void setErrmsg(String _msg)
    • getNumMovesMade

      public int getNumMovesMade()
      How many move attempts (successful or not) has been made so far
    • setNumMovesMade

      public void setNumMovesMade(int _numMovesMade)
    • getTranscript

      public Vector<Episode.Pick> getTranscript()
      The list of all move/picks attempts (successful or not) done so far in this episode
    • getRulesSrc

      public RuleSet.ReportedSrc getRulesSrc()
      A structure that describes the rules of the game being played in this episode.
    • getExplainCounters

      public String getExplainCounters()
      The "explanation" of the current state of the current rule line
    • getRuleLineNo

      public int getRuleLineNo()
      Zero-based position of the line of the rule set that the game engine is currently looking at. This line will be the first line the engine will look at when accepting the player's next move.