Class Episode

Direct Known Subclasses:
EpisodeInfo, ReplayedEpisode

@Entity public class Episode extends Object
An Episode is a single instance of a Game played by a person or machine with our game server. It describes the current state of the game, and has methods for processing player's actions. The episode object contains the top-level controls describing the current state of the rule set associated with this episode.
  • Field Details

    • episodeId

      public String episodeId
      This is used to assign episode IDs, which are unique within a given server run. The IDs are not meant to be persistent.
    • NBU

      public static final int NBU
    • ruleLineNo

      protected int ruleLineNo
      Which row of rules do we look at now? (0-based)
    • ruleLine

      protected ruleLine
    • sdf

      public static final DateFormat sdf
    • sdf2

      public static final DateFormat sdf2
      with milliseconds
    • random

      public static final RandomRG random
    • version

      public static final String version
      The current version of the application
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Episode

      public Episode()
      Dummy constructor; only used for error code production, and maybe also by JPA when restoring a player's info (with all episodes) from the database.
    • Episode

      public Episode(Game game, Episode.OutputMode _outputMode, Reader _in, PrintWriter _out)
      Creates a new Episode for a given Game (which defines rules and the properties of the initial board). Depending on what the Game is, the episode may use a pre-created board stored in the Game object, or a random board created on the fly.
      _in - The input stream for commands; it will be null in the web app
      _out - Will be null in the web app.
    • Episode

      protected Episode(Game game, Episode.OutputMode _outputMode, Reader _in, PrintWriter _out, String _episodeId)
  • Method Details

    • getEpisodeId

      public String getEpisodeId()
    • setEpisodeId

      public void setEpisodeId(String _episodeId)
    • getStartTime

      public Date getStartTime()
    • setStartTime

      public void setStartTime(Date _startTime)
    • getPieces

      public Piece[] getPieces()
    • randomWord

      public static String randomWord(int len)
      Creates a word made out of random letters and digits
    • getNPiecesStart

      public int getNPiecesStart()
    • setNPiecesStart

      public void setNPiecesStart(int _nPiecesStart)
    • onBoard

      public static BitSet onBoard(Piece[] pieces)
    • getLastMovePos

      public int getLastMovePos()
    • accept

      protected int accept(Episode.Pick move)
      One normally should not use this method directly; use doPick() or doMove() instead.
    • weShowAllMovables

      public boolean weShowAllMovables()
      The basic mode tells the player where all movable pieces are, but EpisodeInfo will override it if the para set mandates "free" mode.
    • graphicDisplay

      public String graphicDisplay()
      Graphic display of the board
    • graphicDisplay

      public String graphicDisplay(boolean html)
      Generates an HTML table displaying the current board state,
      html - If false, call the ASCII-graphics routine instead (for printing on terminal, instead of a web browser)
    • graphicDisplayAscii

      public static String graphicDisplayAscii(Piece[] pieces, int lastMovePos, boolean weShowAllMovables, boolean[] isMoveable, boolean html)
      Retired from the web game server; still used in Captive Game Server.
    • getCurrentBoard

      public Board getCurrentBoard()
      Shows the current board (without removed [dropped] pieces)
    • getVersion

      public static String getVersion()
      FIXME: this shows up in Reflection, as if it's a property of each object
    • mkDisplay0

      public Episode.Display mkDisplay0()
      Builds a Display objecy to be sent out over the web UI upon a /display call (rather than a /move or /pick)
    • doPick

      public Episode.Display doPick(int y, int x, int _attemptCnt) throws IOException
      Evaluate a pick attempt
    • doMove

      public Episode.Display doMove(int y, int x, int by, int bx, int _attemptCnt) throws IOException
      Evaluate a move attempt
      y - the y-coordinate of the game piece the player tries to move
      x - the x-coordinate (1 thru 6) of the game piece the player tries to move
      by - the y-coordinate of the destination bucket (0 or 7)
      bx - the x-coordinate of the destination bucket (0 or 7)
    • playGame

      public boolean playGame(GameGenerator gg, int gameCnt) throws IOException
      Lets this episode play out until either all pieces are cleared, or a stalemate is reached, or the player gives up (sends an EXIT or NEW command). The episode takes commands from the reader, as in the Captive Game Server.
      gameCnt - The sequential number of the current episode. This is only used in a message.
      game - This is passed just so that we can access the feature list for the FEATURES command
      true if another episode is requested, i.e. the player has entered a NEW command. false is returned if the player enters an EXIT command, or simply closes the input stream.
    • report

      public String report()
      Concise report, handy for debugging
    • positionsOfMoveablePieces

      public boolean[] positionsOfMoveablePieces()