Class EpisodeInfo.ExtendedDisplay

Enclosing class:

public class EpisodeInfo.ExtendedDisplay extends Episode.Display
Provides some extra information related to the episode's context within the experiment. The assumption is that this episode is the most recent ones. This structure is converted to JSON and sent to the GUI client as the response of the /display and /move calls, as well as as one of the components of the responses to the /newEpisode and /mostRecentEpisosde calls. The list of the fields here is based on what Kevin said the GUI tool needs to render the board and messages around it.
  • Method Details

    • getMover

      public int getMover()
      What is the role of the player in the episode? In 1PG it's always 0; in 2PG, it's 0 for player 0 of the pair (the one who owns all episodes), and 1 for player 1
    • setMover

      public void setMover(int _mover)
    • getMustWait

      public boolean getMustWait()
      This flag is true if the episode playable, but it's not this player's turn yet. The caller must wait for a "READY" signal to arrive via the websocket connection, and then repeat the /display call.
    • setMustWait

      public void setMustWait(boolean _mustWait)
    • isBonus

      public boolean isBonus()
      In games with the BONUS incentive scheme, true if this episode is part of a bonus subseries.
    • getTotalRewardEarned

      public int getTotalRewardEarned()
      The total reward earned by this player so far, including the regular rewards and any bonuses, for all episodes.
    • getTotalRewardEarnedPartner

      public int getTotalRewardEarnedPartner()
    • getSeriesNo

      public int getSeriesNo()
      The number of the current series (zero-based) among all series in the trial list. This can also be interpreted as the number of the preceding series that have been completed or given up by this player.
    • getDisplaySeriesNo

      public int getDisplaySeriesNo()
      The number of the current super-series (zero-based) among all super-series in the trial list. This is used in the "Rule XXX" display element in the GUI. (Introduced in GS ver. 5.008)
    • getEpisodeNo

      public int getEpisodeNo()
      The number of this episode within the current (internal) series (zero-based). This can also be interpreted as the number of the preceding episodes (completed or given up) in this series.
    • getDisplayEpisodeNo

      public int getDisplayEpisodeNo()
      Introduced in ver. 5.008, this represent the number of this episode within the current super-series (zero-based).
    • getBonusEpisodeNo

      public int getBonusEpisodeNo()
      The number of bonus episodes that have been completed (or given up) prior to the beginning of this episode.
    • getCanActivateBonus

      public boolean getCanActivateBonus()
      This is set to true if an "Activate Bonus" button can be displayed now, i.e. the player is eligible to start bonus episodes, but has not done that yet
    • getTotalBoardsPredicted

      public int getTotalBoardsPredicted()
      Based on the current situation, what is the maximum number of episodes that can be run within the current series? (Until max_boards is reached, if in the main subseries, or until the bonus is earned, if in the bonus subseries).
    • getGuessSaved

      public boolean getGuessSaved()
      True if this player's guess has been recorded at the end of this episode. In a 2PG, this refers to the player identified by the "mover" field.
    • getMovesLeftToStayInBonus

      public Double getMovesLeftToStayInBonus()
      • If it's not a bonus episode, null is returned.
      • If it's a bonus episode, we return the number X such that if, starting from this point, the player must clear the board in no more than X additional moves in order not to be ejected from the bonus series. The number 0, or a negative number, means that, unless the board has just been cleared, the player will be ejected from the bonus series at the end of the current episode (i.e. once he eventually clears it). A negative number means that the player has already made more move attempts than he's allowed to make in order to stay in the bonus series.
    • getRewardRange

      public int[] getRewardRange()
    • getTransitionMap

      public PlayerInfo.TransitionMap getTransitionMap()
      Describes the possible transitions (another episode in the same series, new series, etc) which can be effected after this episode. This can be used to generate transition buttons. This field appears in JSON (i.e. is not null) only if the episode is finished, i.e. finishCode==0.
    • getTrialListId

      public String getTrialListId()
    • getRuleSetName

      public String getRuleSetName()
    • getIncentive

      public ParaSet.Incentive getIncentive()
    • getLastStretch

      public int getLastStretch()
    • getLastR

      public double getLastR()
    • getFaces

      public Vector<Boolean> getFaces()
    • getFacesMine

      public Vector<Boolean> getFacesMine()
    • getRewardsAndFactorsPerSeries

      public int[][] getRewardsAndFactorsPerSeries()
    • xgetRewardsAndFactorsPerSeriesString

      public String xgetRewardsAndFactorsPerSeriesString()
    • getJustReachedX2

      public boolean getJustReachedX2()
    • getJustReachedX4

      public boolean getJustReachedX4()
    • getFactorAchieved

      public int getFactorAchieved()
    • getFactorPromised

      public int getFactorPromised()