Class ReplayedEpisode


public class ReplayedEpisode extends Episode
Built on top of an Episode object, a ReplayedEpisode is created during the analysis of transcripts, in order to recreate the episode's events step by step. This is primarily needed so that we can compute the p0(D) value for each move of the episode.
  • Constructor Details

    • ReplayedEpisode

      public ReplayedEpisode(String _episodeId, ParaSet _para, Game game, ReplayedEpisode.RandomPlayer _randomPlayerModel)
      Creates an Episode in order to replay an old recorded Game (with a known rule set and a known initial board).
  • Method Details

    • weShowAllMovables

      public boolean weShowAllMovables()
      We tell the player where all movable pieces are, unless the para set mandates "free" mode.
      weShowAllMovables in class Episode
    • computeP0

      public double computeP0(Episode.Pick nextMove, int code)
      Computes the probability of success for a random pick or random move made by a frugal player. A call to this method should precede a call to accept(). As of 2021-09-18, the approach is that "P0 for a pick" is only used for successful picks (i.e. when there is incontrovertible evidence that the player wanted to do a pick). For failed picks, we use the "P0 for a move", since it's believed that the player most likely intended to attempt a move, but the GUI converts a move attempt on an immovable piece to a failed pick.
      nextMove - The pick/move attempt the value of p0 before which (for which) we want to compute. This pick or move has been read from the transcript, and contains the success code, which we can use to interpret what the random player may have wanted here. The nextMove.code field is not set yet, because it will only be set during an actual replay (the Episode.accept() call).
      code - The historical acceptance code for this attempt, as read from the transcript
    • accept

      public int accept(Episode.Pick pick)
      In addition to the normal "accept" stuff, either erases or augments the player's knowledge of the current board's properties. (Depending on whether the board has changed or not).
      accept in class Episode