Class PlayerInfo


@Entity public class PlayerInfo extends Object
A PlayerInfo object represent information about a player (what trial list he's in, what episodes he's done etc) stored in the SQL database. It is identiied by a playerId (a string). A humans playing the Rule Game may create just one PlayerInfo object (a single playerId), if he comes from the Mechanical Turk, or goes directly to the GUI Client URL; or he can create many such objects (each one with a particular experiment plan), if he starts many games from the Repeat User Launch page, or from the Android app. In the latter case, all such PlayerInfo objects are linked to a single User object.
  • Constructor Details

    • PlayerInfo

      public PlayerInfo()
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public long getId()
    • getUser

      public User getUser()
    • setUser

      public void setUser(User _user)
    • getPlayerId

      public String getPlayerId()
      A human-readable string ID for this player. A mandatory non-null value, which we strive to keep unique (by the PlayerResponse code).
    • setPlayerId

      public void setPlayerId(String _playerId)
    • getExperimentPlan

      public String getExperimentPlan()
      The experiment plan historically was just a directory name, e.g. "pilot06". Starting from ver. 3.004, dynamic experiment plans are also supported, in the form P:plan:modifer or R:ruleSet:modifier.
    • setExperimentPlan

      public void setExperimentPlan(String _experimentPlan)
    • postLoad1

      public void postLoad1()
      Sets some (transient) properties of this object which depend on the name of the experiment plan. For new objects, this method is called from PlayerResponse, after an object has been created and some basic initialization (setExperimentPlan(), initSeries()) took place. For those restored from the database, it is called automatically due to the @PostLoad directive.

      Note: this method can only be called after initSeries(), because otherwise getFirstPara() won't work.

    • isCoopGame

      public boolean isCoopGame()
      true if the name of the experiment plan indicates that this is a cooperative two-player game
    • isAdveGame

      public boolean isAdveGame()
      true if the name of the experiment plan indicates that this is an adversarial two-player game
    • is2PG

      public boolean is2PG()
      true if the name of the experiment plan indicates that this is a two-player game (cooperative or adversary)
    • getNeedChat

      public boolean getNeedChat()
      Do we need a between-player chat element in the GUI? (In 2PG only, based on of the first para set of this player.
    • getTrialListId

      public String getTrialListId()
      For traditional (static) and "P:"-type dynamic experiment plans, this is the name of the actual trial list file in the appropriate experiment plan directory (without the ".csv" extension). For "R:"-type dynamic experiment plans (which do not involve any trial list files) this field, rather tautologically, contains the rule set name.
    • setTrialListId

      public void setTrialListId(String _trialListId)
    • getDate

      public Date getDate()
    • setDate

      public void setDate(Date _date)
    • getPartnerPlayerId

      public String getPartnerPlayerId()
      The playerId value of the partner, if this is a two-player game, and this player has already been paired with a partner. Null otherwise.
    • setPartnerPlayerId

      public void setPartnerPlayerId(String _partnerPlayerId)
    • getRoleForPlayerIdPermissive

      public int getRoleForPlayerIdPermissive(String pid)
      This method recognizes that an older 1PG client may not pass a playerId; thus, it interprets null as Player 0 (the default player)
    • xgetPartner

      public PlayerInfo xgetPartner()
    • linkToPartner

      public void linkToPartner(PlayerInfo _partner, int myRole)
      Sets links in both directions
    • getPairState

      public int getPairState()
      For a player in a two-player game, this is his current status with respect to pairing. The value is from Pairing.Mode.
    • setPairState

      public void setPairState(int _pairState)
    • initPairing

      public void initPairing()
      Sets certain pairing-related fields in the object for a newly created player
    • addEpisode

      public void addEpisode(EpisodeInfo c)
    • removeEpisode

      public void removeEpisode(EpisodeInfo c)
    • getAllEpisodes

      public Vector<EpisodeInfo> getAllEpisodes()
    • setAllEpisodes

      public void setAllEpisodes(Vector<EpisodeInfo> _allEpisodes)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getSeries

      public PlayerInfo.Series getSeries(int k)
    • alreadyFinished

      public boolean alreadyFinished()
      Returns true if the current series number is set beyond the possible range, which indicates that it has gone through the last possible increment (and, therefore, the completion code has been set as well).
    • getSuperseriesSize

      public int getSuperseriesSize(int k)
      How many episodes are in the current super-series?
      k - (internal) series number. It is assumed that this is the last (internal) series in its super-series.
    • canActivateBonus

      public boolean canActivateBonus()
      true if an "Activate Bonus" button can be displayed, i.e. the player is eligible to start bonus episodes, but has not done that yet
    • activateBonus

      public void activateBonus(javax.persistence.EntityManager em)
      Switches this player from the main subseries to the bonus subseries, and saves the information about this fact in the SQL server.
      em - The active EM to use. (We have this because this method is called from a method that has an EM anyway, and this object is NOT detached.)
    • giveUp

      public void giveUp(int seriesNo) throws IOException
      "Gives up" he current series, i.e. immediately switches the player to the next series (if there is one).
    • seriesSize

      public int seriesSize(int k)
      How many episodes are currently in series No. k?
    • countBonusEpisodes

      public int countBonusEpisodes(int k)
      How many bonus episodes (complete or not) are currently in series No. k?
    • getCurrentSeriesNo

      public int getCurrentSeriesNo()
    • initSeries

      This is usesd when a player is first registered and a PlayerInfo object is first created.
    • restoreTransientFields

      public void restoreTransientFields() throws IOException, IllegalInputException, ReflectiveOperationException, RuleParseException
      This method should be called after restoring the object from the SQL database, in order to re-create some of the necessary non-persistent structures. Typically, this may be needed if player resumes his activity after the Game Server has been restarted. In particular, we restore the "series" structure, reloading paramter sets from the disk files and and putting episodes in their series arrays.

      We also review the episodes, and "give up" all incomplete ones, because they don't have their transcripts and rules loaded, and cannot be continued. This may happen only rarely, when an episode had been persisted before beeing completed (thru cascading from the player being persisted), and then the server was restarted.

    • mostRecentEpisode

      public EpisodeInfo mostRecentEpisode()
      Retrieves the most recent episode, which may be completed or incomplete.
    • episodeToDo

      public EpisodeInfo episodeToDo() throws IOException, RuleParseException
      Returns the currently unfinished last episode to be resumed, or a new episode (in the current series or the next series, as the case may be), or null if this player has finished with all series. This is used by the /GameService2/newEpisode web API call.
    • getPara

      public ParaSet getPara(EpisodeInfo epi)
      Gives a link to the ParaSet associated with a given episode
    • getFirstPara

      public ParaSet getFirstPara()
      Gives a link to the first ParaSet. This is used for things that are determined by the first ParaSet, e.g. the pregame experience.
      the ParaSet for the first series, or null if none exists.
    • getCompletionCode

      public String getCompletionCode()
      The completion code, a string that the player can report as a proof of his completion of the experiment plan. It is set when the current series number is incremented beyond the last parameter set number.
    • setCompletionCode

      public void setCompletionCode(String _completionCode)
    • getTotalRewardEarned

      public int getTotalRewardEarned()
      The total reward shown to this player. In 2PG, each PlayerInfo has a value stored; the two partners' value are the same in a coop game, but different in an adversarial game
    • setTotalRewardEarned

      public void setTotalRewardEarned(int _totalRewardEarned)
    • report

      public String report()
      Generates a concise report on this player's history, handy for debugging. It gives summaries of all episodes done (or in progress) by this player, broken down by series.
    • saveMe

      public void saveMe()
      Saves this object (and the associated Episode objects, via cascading) data in the SQL database. The assumption is that this object is detached, so we call a method which will create a new EM and merge this object to the new persistence context.
    • goodnessScore

      public double goodnessScore()
      Compute the "goodness score" of this player, intended to measure how good this player has been, to be used during the postgame experience to decide if the demographics page should contain an invitation to participate in additional research (only offered to good players). At present (ver 6.029), this score is only computed in a non-trivial way in games with the incentive plan Incentive.DOUBLING.
      For players in games with the incentive plan Incentive.DOUBLING (or LIKELIHOOD), the value of the score, in the range [0..1], is simply the fraction of all rule sets so far that the player has fully mastered (received X4), plus 1/2 of those that were partially mastered (received X2). For players in other incentive plans, 0 is returned.