Class ParaSet

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map<String,Object>

public class ParaSet extends HashMap<String,Object>
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • shapes

      public Piece.Shape[] shapes
      Will be set as appropriate if specified in the CSV file "colors" column
    • colors

      public Piece.Color[] colors
    • imageGenerator

      public ImageObject.Generator imageGenerator
      Will be set as appropriate if the CSV file has an "images" column. The array elements are keys used for the image lookup. Otherwise, null
    • legacy

      public static final ParaSet legacy
      A dummy ParaSet object that contains legacy colors and shapes. This is used e.g. as a default context in the automatic rule generation.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getColors

      public String getColors()
      For JSON
    • getShapes

      public String getShapes()
    • getImages

      public String getImages()
    • parseShapes

      public static Piece.Shape[] parseShapes(String val) throws IOException
      Parses a semicolon-separated list of shapes.
      An array of Shape values, or null if val is null or empty.
      IOException - On a parsing problem (invalid shape names)
    • parseColors

      public static Piece.Color[] parseColors(String val) throws IOException
    • textToParaSet

      public static ParaSet textToParaSet(String s) throws IOException, IllegalInputException
      Processes ParaSet data that have been already read into string.
      s - A multi-line string, which looks like the content of a traditional ParaSet CSV file. This can come over HTTP, for example.
    • getInt

      public int getInt(String key)
    • getDouble

      public double getDouble(String key)
    • getBoolean

      public boolean getBoolean(String key, Boolean defVal)
    • getDouble

      public double getDouble(String key, boolean optional, double defaultValue)
      optional - If true, this method will not throw an exception, and will return defaultValue, if the parameter is absent in the set
      defaultValue - Only used if optional==true
    • getInt

      public int getInt(String key, boolean optional, int defaultValue)
    • getMaxBoards

      public int getMaxBoards()
    • getRuleSetName

      public String getRuleSetName()
    • getClearingThreshold

      public double getClearingThreshold()
    • getPickCost

      public double getPickCost()
      The cost of a pick attempt, in terms of the cost of a move. The default is 1.0. An early proposal called this param "pick_cost", but then I realized that Paul had planned for it all along, under a different name.
    • pickCostIsInt

      public boolean pickCostIsInt()
      Is the cost of a pick attempt an integer?
    • getCont

      public boolean getCont()
    • checkColors

      public void checkColors(ColorMap cm) throws IOException
      Makes sure that this parameter set's color list (used for generating random boards) only contains valid colors (present in the color map)
    • checkShapes

      public void checkShapes() throws IOException
      Makes sure that this parameter set's shape list (used for generating random boards) only contains valid shapes (for which SVG files exist)
    • checkImages

      public void checkImages() throws IOException
    • isFeedbackSwitchesFree

      public boolean isFeedbackSwitchesFree()
      True if the player is not told which pieces are movable. (free = no objects are marked with X. Seeking to move an object is counted as some fraction of a move.)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class AbstractMap<String,Object>
    • getIncentive

      public ParaSet.Incentive getIncentive()
      Returns the name of the incentive scheme in use in this para set, or null if none is apparenly is in effect. This is determined by the presence or absence of necessary parameters.
    • checkIncentive

      public void checkIncentive() throws IllegalInputException
      Checks whether the parameters related to incentive schemes are consistent (that is, you don't have a parameter from one scheme and another parameter from a different scheme).
    • kantorLupyanReward

      public int kantorLupyanReward(double errors)
      Returns the reward for an episode with a given number of errors, computed by the Kantor-Lupyan formula. The Kantor-Lupyan formula for the reward computation is at . The actual min (asymptotic) is smin; the actual max (atd=0) is smin + (smax-smin)/(1+exp(-2*b)), which is a bit smaller than smax
      errors - The number of errors the player has made in the episode. This can be a fractional number, if failed pick attempts are counted with a weight less than 1.0. The value Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY if allowed, in order to compute the lower bound of possible reward.
    • kantorLupyanReward0

      public double kantorLupyanReward0(double errors)
    • kantorLupyanRewardRange

      public int[] kantorLupyanRewardRange(double errors)
      (lowerBound, upperBound)